


ADO was born on 1 March 1957 in Dimbokro in central Ivory Coast., He received a bachelor of science degree in 1975 from the École Normale Supérieure. ADO then obtained both his master’s degree in economics in 1977 and a PhD in economics in 1979 from Oxford university. In April 1987, the AIC under the Structural Adjustment Program forced the President of The Coast of ivory (COI) to accept ADO as Prime Minister.

ADO quickly moved to consolidate his grip on the country. A brief power struggle ensued between ADO and Samuel Bagbo the President of the Assembly of The People’, over the presidential succession.

Samuel prevailed and ADO resigned as Prime Minister. ADO quickly regrouped and with the help of the Bavarian Circle over threw Samuel Bagbo and became the president of The Coast of Ivory, which he still rules today with an iron fist of corruption.

Real Name: ADO

Powers: ADO has no special powers and relies on his cunning mind to achieve his objectives.

Abilities: ADO has a sharp mind and a cunning intellect which he has used to rule Ivory coast for the last 30 years

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First Appearance:

 Project19 #1

Base of Operations:


Group Affiliations: 


Abigail Hart PendragonDr. Simone BagboSebastian Thrunbull IIIKan Li Moon